Tear Down This Wall

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: Students will learn why the Berlin Wall was erected and the impact it had on the German people as well as the powerful message the Communist government of the Soviet Union sent to the world.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Glenda Sullivan

The Anatomy of MIMAL

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The key topics the students will acquire at the end of this lesson are the path of the Mississippi River from its headwaters to the mouth, and the major tributaries that feed into the Mississippi River.

The facts that the students will acquire by the end of this lesson are the names of the states that border the Mississippi River and the exact location of all of the Mississippi River’s tributaries.

At the end of this lesson the students should be able to trace on a map the path of the Mississippi River, the path of all of its tributaries and label all the states that border the Mississippi River.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Helen Chaney-Hackney

Underground Wonders: Limestone and Gypsum Caverns

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: Students will understand how different caverns are formed by comparing and contrasting the physical characteristics of limestone caverns and alabaster (gypsum) caverns.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Glenda Sullivan

Easter Island

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The goal of this lesson is to engage students in learning about the geographic make-up of Easter Island and to have them draw conclusions about the fate of the inhabitants of Easter Island due to the limited resources to support human society and all its demands.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Teresa Potter

Running Out of Gas

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The goal of this lesson is to engage students in exploring gasoline consumption and energy conservation.  Students create oil product maps to compare Oklahoma to Syria, two oil producing places which are similar in size.  Students hypothesize about effective means of transportation to conserve energy.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Teresa Potter

All-Black Towns: Oklahoma's Unique Historical Geography

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: Oklahoma has a unique history.  Most teachers and students do not realize that Oklahoma has more incorporated "historically all-black towns" than any other state in the United States.  In the early 1900s, town promoters selected parcels of land, plotted out townsites, and began building communities in Indian Territory for newcomers from Southern states to begin a new life.  In this lesson, the students will discover the unique and special features the town promoters used to attract the newcomers.  The students are to create promotional materials that would lure someone seeking a place of freedom from prejudice, a place to educate their children, a place to provide a home and provide for their family, a place to achieve economic success, and a place to live peacefully.  In addition, the students should gain an awareness of the human and environmental factors that made these places unique.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Shirley Nero

Oh! What a Clear View! Creating Cultures from Photos

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: Many of us look at photographs in books, magazines, newspapers, but have never really asked ourselves, “What do these photographs reveal about the local culture?”  This lesson uses photographs from various sources to create an understanding of and determine cultural landscapes of any given area.  After a discussion of photos, the students will then use this information to create their own cultural landscape from one photo.  In a class presentation, the students will compare their cultures for similarities and differences.  The idea is to find out how many different cultural landscapes the students will produce from similar photos.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Shirley Nero

An Oily Mess

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The purpose of this lesson is to engage students in exploring the national problem of oil spills. Students will draw connections between oil use in their lives and how it connects to their lives.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Julie Guild

Immigration Push and Pull Factors

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The purpose of this lesson is to engage students in exploring the national issue of immigration.  Students will learn the facts of immigration and the problem of illegal immigration along the U.S. borders.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Julie Guild

Physical Elements of the Eastern United States

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: In this lesson, students will study unique physical elements of the eastern United States, analyze how this could have had an impact on state boundaries, and develop “memory cues” for geographic (landform) vocabulary terms.

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Janet Hall

Forced to Adapt

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Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: In this lesson, students place themselves back in time and “predict” how removal to Indian Territory would impact the cultures of specific tribes from different geographical locations. 

 Grade level(s): Middle                 Standards: PASS, GFL             Produced By: Janet Hall