Giant Map

Location Name Changes in Asia

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: In this lesson, students will investigate name changes of locations in Asia. They will be able to understand why location names change and apply this knowledge to current events and issues. They will be able to identify locations on a map and use geographic tools to analyze geographic data.

Grade level(s): Middle School

Standards: OAS

Produced By: Amy Williams

"Where Could I Bee" - North America

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: This activity contains approximately 60 riddles about North America. These may be used as bell ringers, in conjunction with the Giant Map of North America, or to enrich other activities. Below please find a sample riddle from this packet.

Tonight I’m out camping
Enjoying the dark
There are so many stars
Here in Yellowstone National Park
I think I see my home galaxy
Far away in the sky
Because locals here gave
Turning off lights a try
Under skies black and dark blue
I pose one question to you
Name each state this park occupies
Of which there are three
Then it will be no surprise
You’ve won Where could I bee

Download the packet and view Page 60 for the answer!

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS
Produced By: Richard Tuberville

"Where Could I Bee" - Asia

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: This activity contains seven riddles about Asia. These may be used as bell ringers, in conjunction with the Giant Map of Asia, or to enrich other activities. Below please find a sample riddle from this packet.

I’m in a Cambodian temple
Around 900 years of age
Surrounded by jungle
It sets a beautiful stage
It was built in honor
Of a Hindu king
And the name of this temple
Is what you must bring
Without hesitation
And give it to me
If you want to win
Where could I bee

Download the packet and view Page 9 for the answer!

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS
Produced By: Richard Tuberville

"Where Could I Bee" - Middle East

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: This activity contains eight riddles about countries in the Middle East. These may be used as bell ringers, in conjunction with the Giant Maps of Africa or Asia, or to enrich other activities. Below please find a sample riddle from this packet.

I’m climbing on mountains
As high as I can
But I’ve forgotten their name
Here in Southwest Iran
Tell me the name of this Middle Eastern mountain chain
Tell me where could I bee
With my forgetful brain

Download the packet and view Page 7 for the answer!

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS
Produced By: Richard Tuberville

Using the Pacific Ocean Giant Map to Understand Physical Features

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: This is an interactive and engaging lesson designed to provide students with an understanding of the physical geography of the Pacific Ocean and the effects of various environmental phenomena. The lesson involves reading, researching, and interacting with the map to demonstrate understanding.

This lesson is designed to use the Giant Traveling Map of the Pacific Ocean to help students contextualize the physical features of the region.

This lesson is aligned with both National Geography Standards and Oklahoma Academic Standards, ensuring that it is not only educationally relevant but also beneficial for students. The activity provides a practical application of these standards, allowing students to see the relevance of what they are learning and how it applies to the real world. Please note this lesson may be adapted for use with digital or desktop-sized maps if the Pacific Ocean Giant Map is unavailable.

Grade level(s): Middle
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Grace Gierach

Using the Europe Giant Map to Plan a Backpacking Journey

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: This is an interactive and engaging lesson designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the European Union, the cultural touchstone of backpacking, and the geographical layout of European cities. The lesson involves reading, researching, and planning a backpacking journey through Europe. It is a hands-on activity that encourages students to apply their knowledge of geography, culture, and history to create a unique travel itinerary.

The rationale behind this lesson is to foster a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of our world, particularly within the context of the European Union. By planning a backpacking journey, students will gain insights into the geographical, cultural, and historical diversity of Europe. They will also develop critical thinking and teamwork skills along with geographic awareness. This activity is designed to make learning geography an engaging and interactive experience, moving beyond rote memorization to application and analysis.

This lesson is aligned with both National Geography Standards and Oklahoma Academic Standards, ensuring that it is not only educationally relevant but also beneficial for students. The activity provides a practical application of these standards, allowing students to see the relevance of what they are learning and how it applies to the real world. Please note this lesson may be adapted for use with digital or desktop-sized maps if the Europe Giant Map is unavailable.

Grade level(s): Middle
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Cory Williams

Using the Africa Giant Map to Understand Latitude and Longitude

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: In this lesson, students will investigate the significance of latitude and longitude in geography, such as understanding climate zones, temperature variations, time zones, and the ability to navigate and locate any place accurately. This activity may be completed with the Africa Giant Map, and can be adapted for digital or desktop-sized maps.

Grade level(s): Middle
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Cory Williams

Using Giant Floor Maps to Understand Bald Eagle Populations

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: In this lesson, students will use the Oklahoma or North America Giant Floor Map to explore where bald eagles can be found, what the requirements are for a healthy habitat, and how their habitats are affected by human activity.

Grade level(s): Middle
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Becca Palczynsky

Using the Oklahoma Floor Map to Explore Public Lands

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: This lesson is designed to introduce students to different types of public lands in Oklahoma. These include National Recreation Areas, Wildlife Refuges, and State Parks. Students will learn where these parks are located, why they are established, and the activities they can do while there.

Grade level(s): Elementary
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Becca Palczynsky

Using the Asia Giant Map to Understand Light Pollution

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file.

Description: This lesson is designed to use the Giant Traveling Map of Asia to help students contextualize effects of light pollution in current events and upon migratory birds. These lesson materials are developed in support of OKAGE’s Geo-Inquiry project efforts.

Grade level(s): Elementary, Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Grace Gierach

Using the Oklahoma Giant Map to Understand the Heavy Consequences of Light Pollution

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file due to its size.

Description: This lesson is designed as a template to introduce the Giant Traveling Map of Oklahoma and provide examples of how this map may be used to enrich instruction in a variety of subjects including Science, Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Social Studies. The content presented in this lesson was selected as an illustrative example of how all subjects are used to understand a particular issue which impacts communities differently around the world and in Oklahoma. These lesson materials were developed in support of OKAGE’s Geo-Inquiry project efforts. To sign up to participate in a dark sky Geo-Inquiry project with OKAGE, visit or contact us at

Grade level(s): Elementary, Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Becca Palczynsky

"Where Could I Bee" - Latin America

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: This activity contains approximately 50 riddles about countries in Latin America. These may be used as bell ringers, in conjunction with the Giant Map of Latin America, or to enrich other activities. Below please find a sample riddle from this packet.

Where I am now
Is more “Chile” than cold
Although the degrees
Are about 30 below
In this place there is very little rainfall
And of Earth’s deserts,
It’s the driest of all
Tell me the name
Of this warm and dry land
And “Where Could I Bee?”
Will fall into your hand

Download the packet and view Page 23 for the answer!

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS
Produced By: Richard Tuberville

"Where Could I Bee" - Europe

Illustration of Where Could I Bee character

Click on the image above to download the activity.

Description: This activity contains approximately 80 riddles about countries in Europe. These may be used as bell ringers, in conjunction with the Giant Map of Europe, or to enrich other activities. Below please find a sample riddle from this packet.

Where I am now
Is too cold for a bee
They call it Greenland
But it doesn’t look that color to me
The question I’m asking
You should learn this in school
Is “What country claims Greenland
Under its rule?”

Download the packet and view Page 21 for the answer!

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS
Produced By: Richard Tuberville

Exploring Oklahoma’s Cities on the Giant Map

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: This activity is designed to help students identify some of Oklahoma’s major cities on the map. Students will be introduced to coordinates and will use them to identify these locations. By exploring on the Giant Map, students will also become more familiar with cities across Oklahoma while growing their perspective of the world around them.

Grade level(s): Elementary
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Cheryl Ivester

Understanding Urbanization Using the North America Giant Map

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: Students will understand the terms: urban, suburban, rural, urbanization, and megacity. Students will understand what leads people to move to urban areas and the problems this may lead to.

Grade level(s): Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Angela DeLong & Kim Richter

Canada Scavenger Hunt on the North America Giant Map

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: This activity is designed to help students identify some of Canada’s physical features, cultural areas, major cities etc. on the map.

Grade level(s): Elementary School, Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Angela DeLong & Kim Richter

I’m on the Top of the World Looking Down on Creation: Using the Oklahoma Giant Map to Enhance the Geo-Inquiry Process

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Click on the image above to download the lesson.

Description: The class will examine the Tulsa Race Massacre and develop a relevant Geo-Inquiry question together which is centered around the impacts of this historical event. The Geo-Inquiry process leads students to think through complexities of the world and make connections that empower them to change their communities. After a question is developed, students will be divided into teams in order to create a division of tasks - e.g., -Data Collection, Visualization, Story-Telling, etc.

Watch the student video here, and watch the teacher video here!

Grade level(s): Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Zena Lewis

Mapping STEM in Oklahoma - Giant Map Edition

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file due to its size.

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file due to its size.

Description: The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to explore the connection between Geography and other curriculum areas by utilizing the OKAGE Giant Map Program. Students will identify key geographic features and landmarks on the Giant Map then make connections between these features and other curriculum areas. 

Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Amber DeWinter

Online PD Session 3: Asia's Cultures and the 2020 Health Crisis

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file due to its size.

Click on the image above to download the lesson. This lesson will open in a Google Drive folder instead of a zipped file due to its size.

Description: This lesson is designed to assist students in using visual information to identify urban areas in East Asia and determine how COVID-19 spread rapidly through these areas.

Watch the recording of this session here.

Grade level(s): Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Susan Smith

We Got Cows (and Quakes)

Click on the image above to download the lesson

Click on the image above to download the lesson

Description: The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to natural disasters, which ones occur in the state of Oklahoma, and their aftermath. Students will analyze the spatial patterns of natural disasters in the state using the Giant Traveling Map of Oklahoma. Students will also learn the effects of natural disasters on people and how the government responds.

Grade level(s): Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Carole Hollman